You can find a full list of our publications on google scholar here, our recent publications can be found here:
Formation of ultracold molecules by merging optical tweezers
arXiv Daniel K. Ruttley, Alexander Guttridge, Stefan Spence, Robert C. Bird, C. Ruth Le Sueur, Jeremy M. Hutson, Simon L. Cornish We demonstrate the formation of a single RbCs molecule during the merging of two optical tweezers, one containing a single Rb atom and the other a single Cs atom. Both atoms are initially predominantly…
A motorized rotation mount for fast and reproducible optical polarization control
arXiv Adarsh P. Raghuram, Jonathan M. Mortlock, Sarah L. Bromley, Simon L. Cornish We present a simple motorised rotation mount for a half-wave plate that can be used to rapidly change the polarization of light. We use the device to switch a high power laser beam between different optical dipole traps in an ultracold atom…